Sinclair Community College - Restaurant
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Tartan Terrace Restaurant

Sample Menu Selections 2

Menu Selections vary for each Quarter and change every Week.

Sample 1 | Sample 2 | Sample 3 | Sample 4


  • Vegetable Beef Barley

  • Cream of Mushroom


  • Basque-Style Pepper Salad

  • Mixed Green Salad


  • Roast Loin of Pork w/ Sage and Apples

Whipped Garlic Potatoes

Roasted Winter Vegetables (no waxy Potatoes or Celery Root)

  • Chicken Breast Parmesan

Rice Pilaf

Roasted Winter Vegetables (no waxy Potatoes or Celery Root)

  • Broiled Fish Steaks Maitre d'Hotel (Tuna)

Rice Pilaf

Broiled Tomatoes (Variation Parmesan)